GISHydroNXT System Documentation
The navigation panel on left shows all classes as outlined on the home page. Each class is associated with either a button or tool.
These classes have two standard functions: (1) to initialize the class itself, and (2) process information. These classes are all
parent classes. The processing associated with some classes includes an interactive feature in the form of a dialog box (e.g. the
Area of Interest Dialog). Such classes require the construction of customized dialog boxes which are designed in wxPython, taking
advantage of pythonadins. Pythonaddins is the main building block for this automated toolset. Use of pythonaddins is limited to
customized dialog boxes, thus all dialog boxes require definition of an extra class to initialize in wxPython. These extra classes
are nested in parent classes wherever necessary. For convenience, all parent and nested classes and functions (other than the
standard two functions) are marked in yellow color. An example of these functions is provided below. All nested
classes and fuctions are housed in the wx and Hydro Library, respectively. The Navigation panel, at left, contains links to wx and Hydro Library.
# An example code snippet to demonstrate two standard functions (marked in yellow color)
class WatershedDelineation(object):
"""Implementation for GISHydroNXT_addin.tool2 (Tool)"""
def __init__(self):
self.enabled = False
self.cursor = 3
def onMouseDownMap(self, x, y, button, shift):
# Processing steps are coded below
List of all global variables
All global variables used in master code and hydro library:
Variable name classes Units Object Type Description
optfolder str Folder name and location for all files
scratchfolder str Specify folder for intermediate files
extent AreaOfInterest str User defined extent to clip other layers
xoutletstring WatershedDelineation str x-coordinates of outlet cell
youtletstring WatershedDelineation str y-coordinates of outlet cell
FC BasinStatistics float Forest cover percent area
LI BasinStatistics float Lime percent area
ST BasinStatistics float Storage percentarea
IA BasinStatistics float Impervious percent area
areami2 BasinStatistics mi^2 float Area of watershed
pctAsoil BasinStatistics float Percent of Soil type A
pctBsoil BasinStatistics float Percent of Soil type B
pctCsoil BasinStatistics float Percent of Soil type C
pctDsoil BasinStatistics float Percent of Soil type D
basinrelief BasinStatistics m float Basin relief estimate
theslope BasinStatistics feet/mile float Channel slope
landslope BasinStatistics feet/feet float Land slope
regionlist BasinStatistics list Geomorphological province
regionarea BasinStatistics list Geomorphological province area
maprec BasinStatistics inches float Mean annual precipitation
maxlength BasinStatistics miles float Longest flow path
pctWsoil BasinStatistics float Percent total soil
pctAsoilR BasinStatistics float Percent soil type A
pctBsoilR BasinStatistics float Percent soil type B
pctCsoilR BasinStatistics float Percent soil type C
pctDsoilR BasinStatistics float Percent soil type D
pctWsoilR BasinStatistics float Percent non-soil
Urb BasinStatistics float Percent Urban land use
nil BasinStatistics float Percent of land use defined as nil
Impcount BasinStatistics float Percent impervious area
avgCN BasinStatistics float Average Curve Number
tc BasinStatistics hours float Time of Concentration [W.O. Thomas, Jr. Equation]
lagtime BasinStatistics hours float Time of Concentration [From SCS Lag Equation * 1.67]
p2yr BasinStatistics hours float 2-Year,24-hour Precipitation
lenlst CalculateAttributes feet list Channel length
slopeval CalculateAttributes feet list Slope value for each sub-watershed
no_subwatersheds CalculateAttributes int Number of sub-watersheds
cn_list CalculateAttributes list Average Curve Number of each sub-watershed
tc_list CalculateAttributes list Time of Concentration of each sub-watershed
outletelev WatershedDelineation feet str Outlet cell elevation
gagelist ThomasDischarge list List of gauges
trans_distance TransectLine feet list Transection line distance
trans_dem TransectLine feet list Transection line elevation values
TWL TransectLine feet float Transection width length
TWL_min TransectLine feet float Transection width minimum length
TWL_max TransectLine feet float Transection width maximum length
areami2_usda TransectLine miles float Upstream drainage area
reachslope TransectLine feet float Reach slope
Wbf TransectLine feet float Bankfull channel width
Dbf TransectLine feet float Bankfull channel depth
soil DataSelectionFrame str Soil data path
landuse DataSelectionFrame str Land use data path
hyd DataSelectionFrame str Hydrological condition type
gageid GageListThomas str Gauge ID
Tc_method TcFrame str Time of Concentration method
Tc_ns TcFrame unicode Manning's co-efficient for Sheet
Tc_P TcFrame inches unicode Wetted perimeter
Tc_L TcFrame feet unicode Length
Tc_paved TcFrame bool Considering Paved surface
Tc_unpaved TcFrame bool Considering Unpaved surface
Tc_NHD TcFrame bool NHD stream selection
Tc_infStreams TcFrame bool Inferred streams selection
Tc_sa TcFrame miles unicode Source area
Tc_nc TcFrame unicode Manning's co-efficient for Channel
Tc_cwCoef TcFrame unicode Channel width coefficient
Tc_cwExp TcFrame unicode Channel width exponent
Tc_cdCoef TcFrame unicode Channel depth coefficient
Tc_cdExp TcFrame unicode Channel depth exponent
Tc_caCoef TcFrame unicode Channel area coefficient
Tc_caExp TcFrame unicde Channel area exponent
Tc_allsub TcFrame bool
Tc_selsub TcFrame bool
year PrcpFrequency list List of years with precipitation depth
critdur PrcpFrequency list Critical duration values
critavg PrcpFrequency inches list Critical average
cb_selected PrcpFrequency list Years selected
IDF ChooseStormDepths list Intensity-Duration-Frequency values
year_uSpecified ChooseStormDepths list User specified duration
prec_uSpecified ChooseStormDepths list User specified depth